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This short clip is the first in a two-part series on freshwater. It breaks down the water percentages on Earth. Only 2.5% of the world's available water is fresh as salt water accounts for 97.5%. Interesting graphics are used to illustrate...
Introduces a number of issues related to water availability and consumption – relative abundance and scarcity of fresh water; personal use versus global use; the common good versus profit. The video is accompanied by a number of additional...
Legendary ocean researcher Sylvia Earle shares astonishing images of the ocean - and shocking statistics about its rapid decline. Earle believes that with knowing comes caring ...but first we have to know about "the blue heart of the planet" and the threats...
Louie Schwartzberg introduces some "nectar' from his film, The hidden beauty of pollination. The images that follow illustrate his description of pollination as a dance between plants and animals, a love story that feeds the world, a magic moment where...
With rising temperatures and seas, massive droughts, and changing landscapes, successfully adapting to climate change is increasingly important. For humans, this can mean using technology to find solutions. But for some plants and animals, adapting to...
In this short animation film, produced by TED-Ed, we explore three possible scenarios regarding the life cycle of a plastic bottle, after it is thrown away. In scenario 1, the bottle ends up in a landfill where its interaction with rain creates a harmful...
The video "The Lifecycle of a T-Shirt" explores the environmental impact of a t-shirt from the growing of the cotton seeds to the arrival of the garment in a North American home. It offers insights and statistics into the fashion industry and explains...
There's a game of Tetris happening on a global scale: The playing space is planet Earth, and all those pesky, stacking blocks represent carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas that is piling up ever more rapidly as we burn the fossil fuels that run our cars,...
In this program Van Jones uses our reliance on plastics to demonstrate the connection between environmental and social justice. The ecological damage done by the plastics industry is widely acknowledged. This presentation illustrates how plastics...
Our planet's diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent fixtures, but they're actually vulnerable to collapse. Jungles can become deserts, and reefs can become lifeless rocks. What makes one ecosystem strong and another weak in the face...
In this 12 minute video, lawyer Colette Pichon Battle explores the social aspects of climate change including migration, displacement, gentrification, and disaster recovery efforts. From her personal journey with flooding after Hurricane Katrina...
In a world that is trying to remove the single-use plastics that are harming wildlife, ecosystems and our oceans it seems like replacing plastic grocery bags with reusable plastic, cloth or paper bags is a simple solution. Consumers presume that...