This ESD resource helps young children explore the essential role that water plays in their lives, the availability of water to children in parts of the developing world, and the choices they can make in relation to responsible water use. Students...
"Without water, nothing can survive." The urgent conservation message in this clear, handsome, oversized picture book is rooted in the book's theme that all water on earth is connected and that "the water you drank today may have rained down on the Amazon...
Did you know that the cotton t-shirt on your back has a major impact on the planet? A short series of effective graphics is used to identify the “costs” from the water required to make the t-shirt (2,700 litres) and the energy needed to grow,...
Global Water and Sanitation Awareness Curriculum consists of a number of activities (water usage survey,creative writing, art projects, simulations,action plans) designed to raise student awareness of the unequal availability and use of water, the...
The aim of the video is to convey a simple, urgent message. There is the same amount of water on Earth today as there was when the dinosaurs roamed. Just less than one percent of the planet's water is available to meet the daily drinking water, sanitation...
The video aims to make two essential points. First. the global well is threatened. While the amount of water in the well has remained constant, the claim is that water is increasing to meet the demands of the growth in agriculture, industry and population...
In a country rich in renewable freshwater resources it seems incomprehensible that some Canadian citizens lack access to clean water. Indigenous people have respected the connection between water and life for thousands of years. Unfortunately,...
When A Town Runs Dry documents life in a small town in California's Central Valley. A farming community for over a hundred years, Stratford is suffering from a drought that is severely impacting the community, land, and residents' daily lives. This film...
This compelling video highlights the relationship between the global water crisis and poverty by asking students to envisage how lives could be dramatically transformed by turning on a tap. The graphic images and simple text encourage personal introspection...
Beautiful illustrations depict the ugliness of a life where the fundamental right of access to fresh water is lacking. Every day in young GieGie’s life is shaped by the arduous trek to collect water. Song and dance help ease the burden...
How Do We Meet The Growing Need For Water? explores key water issues, the water cycle, and some of the technology and techniques used to conserve water. The video describes ways we consume water on earth, like agriculture, manufactures, and ecosystems....
This moving story intertwines the lives of Salva and Nya, two young children struggling to survive in an unforgiving landscape. Orphaned Salva becomes one of the many Sudanese people displaced by civil war in the 1980’s and forced to trek...
In this photo essay, photographer Matt Black portrays the town of Flint and its residents as they persevere through the water crisis. A water crisis has severely impacted the residents since 2014. In this lesson, students view photos documenting the Flint,...
Besides the air we breathe, water is the most fundamental resource for human survival. During this activity, students will further their understanding of the importance of conserving water by conducting a survey on attitudes towards water and analyzing...
Human populations continue to expand, consequently so does the demand for food. Agriculture requires huge volumes of water for crop irrigation, animal hydration and processing of food products. Unfortunately, agricultural impacts on ecosystems also...
In this activity students practice putting a design problem into perspective. The class first explores the often surprising amount of water used in producing everyday products like cola, leather boots, smartphones and chocolate bars. They then identify...
The learning package Water is Life has been created as an extension of the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Giant Floor Map learning activities. The resource is divided into four lessons that can be used individually or as part of a unit....
The goal of this resource is to distinguish between the direct and indirect consumption of water and help students understand in the context of water conservation and stewardship, that some foods choices require more water than others to produce. The...
The Grassy Narrows people in Canada have a special relationship to the river. However, the Indigenous community has been devastated by mercury poisoning in the river system. Fish and tap water were contaminated with extremely high levels of mercury, causing...
In the 1960s, a chemical company dumped 10 tonnes of toxic waste in the river system upstream from the Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation community. This unfortunate event has led to the contamination of culturally important fish that the community relies...