The math concepts of counting, estimation and statistics come to life in an outdoor learning experience that also fosters interest in gardening and nature. As students extract seeds from pumpkins, they use a wide range of math skills to answer questions about their findings. This simple lesson also provides an authentic and meaningful message about the cultural value of pumpkins as a food source around the world.
This resource supports Math outcomes related to counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, recording data and presenting data using bar graphs. There are also many opportunities to extend the learning to include science content through additional activities that engage students in learning about the plant growth process.
This activity requires the use of several pumpkins. Rather than discard the seeds and flesh a class could roast the seeds and use the flesh to make pies or a soup that could be used as the basis of a school awareness project that supports Social Studies outcomes related to world issues. A free lunch featuring the pumpkin recipes might become the basis of a campaign to reduce food waste while teaching others about the value of simple crops in alleviating hunger in developing countries.
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