Search for Resources
  • Resources for Rethinking: our FREE online database which provides access to over 1,700 high-quality, English and French K-12 classroom resources that have been selected and reviewed by teachers, for teachers. All resources are curriculum-matched and teachers can search by language, jurisdiction, grade, subject, curriculum unit, and sustainability theme in order to get the perfect resource. Check our Compendium of Climate Change Resources for Teachers, or try searching by Theme for “Climate Change” or by Sustainable Development Goal for “Goal 13: Climate Action.” Try our search tool now!

  • LSF's newest climate change education resource is, which houses our three Empowering Learners in a Warming World guides for gr K-23-6 and 7-12. These guides are designed to support age-appropriate, student-led climate change inquiry learning in classrooms across Canada. They offer hands-on activities, creative teaching and learning strategies, and research-informed background knowledge for teachers on different climate change topics.                                   
  • Action Project FundingWant to make a difference in your school or community? Want to engage your students in a learning experience that is hands-on, real-world, memorable and impactful? We can help! Learning for a Sustainable Future provides funding for students and teachers to engage their school and community in climate Action Projects. This includes any action that is student-led and contributes to the sustainability of your school or community—the only limit is your students’ imagination! Apply today!
  • Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate Video Series: Our new video series will inspire your students to think about green jobs! This series of 10 videos introduces students to various Canadian experts who build climate resilience through their work. Each video is hosted by high school students from across Canada. As part of your careers studies courses, sustainability and climate change courses or club activities, share these videos with your students to inspire them to think about green jobs!

  •  Hot Topics: published throughout the school year, connecting students to timely national and international campaigns trying to raise awareness of key issues and solve important problems affecting our planet. Two of these Hot Topics, UN COP and Earth Hour focus on climate change events - keep an eye on our calendar in November and March to explore these topics with your students!
Resources for Rethinking: our FREE online database which provides access to over 1,700 high-quality, English and French K-12 classroom resources that have been selected and reviewed by teachers, for teachers. All resources are curriculum-matched and teachers can search by language, jurisdiction, grade, subject, curriculum unit, and sustainability theme in order to get the perfect resource. Try searching by Theme for “Climate Change” or by Sustainable Development Goal for “Goal 13: Climate Action.” Try our search tool now! LSF's newest climate change education resource is, which houses our three Empowering Learners in a Warming World guides for gr K-2, 3-6 and 7-12. These guides are designed to support age-appropriate, student-led climate change inquiry learning in classrooms across Canada. They offer hands-on activities, creative teaching and learning strategies, and research-informed background knowledge for teachers on different climate change topics. 
Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate Video Series: Our new video series will inspire your students to think about green jobs! This series of 10 videos introduces students to various Canadian experts who build climate resilience through their work. Each video is hosted by high school students from across Canada. As part of your careers studies courses, sustainability and climate change courses or club activities, share these videos with your students to inspire them to think about green jobs!
Hot Topics: published throughout the school year, connecting students to timely national and international campaigns trying to raise awareness of key issues and solve important problems affecting our planet. Two of these Hot Topics, UN COP and Earth Hour focus on climate change events - keep an eye on our calendar in November and March to explore these topics with your students!
Resources for Rethinking: our FREE online database which provides access to over 1,700 high-quality, English and French K-12 classroom resources that have been selected and reviewed by teachers, for teachers. All resources are curriculum-matched and teachers can search by language, jurisdiction, grade, subject, curriculum unit, and sustainability theme in order to get the perfect resource. Try searching by Theme for “Climate Change” or by Sustainable Development Goal for “Goal 13: Climate Action.” Try our search tool now! LSF's newest climate change education resource is, which houses our three Empowering Learners in a Warming World guides for gr K-2, 3-6 and 7-12. These guides are designed to support age-appropriate, student-led climate change inquiry learning in classrooms across Canada. They offer hands-on activities, creative teaching and learning strategies, and research-informed background knowledge for teachers on different climate change topics. 
Green Jobs: Adapting to our Changing Climate Video Series: Our new video series will inspire your students to think about green jobs! This series of 10 videos introduces students to various Canadian experts who build climate resilience through their work. Each video is hosted by high school students from across Canada. As part of your careers studies courses, sustainability and climate change courses or club activities, share these videos with your students to inspire them to think about green jobs!
Hot Topics: published throughout the school year, connecting students to timely national and international campaigns trying to raise awareness of key issues and solve important problems affecting our planet. Two of these Hot Topics, UN COP and Earth Hour focus on climate change events - keep an eye on our calendar in November and March to explore these topics with your students!