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The activities in Five Minute Field Trips are grouped into three sections: Awareness, Understanding and Action. The Awareness section consists of outdoor activities that are sensory and experiential giving kids a chance to reconnect with the...
This resource provides 8 lessons (primary to grade 12) on topics related to the Boreal Forest including the role of forests in sheltering and supporting wildlife species in Canada. The lessons follow the Pan-Canadian curriculum and...
This simple activity serves as an excellent companion to the Late February Nature Guide and offers teachers an easy and enjoyable means of getting students outside in winter. It provides suggestions for organizing a successful search for snowfleas/springtails...
This engaging outdoor activity will allow students to experience first hand the stress that winter places on many of our iconic animal species. Building on the Late February Nature Guide's example of white-tailed deer this simulation allows students...
As Canadians we know winter is tough, but imagine what our native wildlife must go through! This lesson uses appealing activities to develop an understanding of winter survival mechanisms in animals. An active outdoor component also engages...
Using a combination of animation and live action, this highly entertaining program demonstrates a number of key adaptations that enable some well-known species to survive in the harsh conditions presented by Canadian winters. Attention is paid to how...
Major snowfalls are generally associated with winter storm systems that move across the country. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the relationship between the areas of heavy snowfall and the movement of the winter cyclone air masses. Students...
Birds fly south, human bundle up, but what do insects do to survive the winter? From creating antifreeze-like alcohols to burrowing in the ground, insects have a few solutions of their own. Learn more about diapause, natural antifreeze and those that...