This music video was written and performed by Amy Tess to serve as an SOS' message and to promote stewardship for our planet. The video highlights how human activities (over consumption, excess garbage production, wasteful water usage and an unsustainable dependence on fossil fuels) have led to serious environmental consequences for all. Through powerful images taken from the Alberta Tar Sands, the BP oil spill and the Bhopal tragedy of 1984, the destruction of habitat, threats to biodiversity and damage associated with climate change are effectively demonstrated. The message is clear. The time for changing attitudes is now.
Recommendation of how and where to use it
This video can be used to reinforce the importance of protecting our planet from further environmental degradation caused by human activity while addressing a range of outcomes in science, geography and social studies.
It can also be used to motivate and encourage "action" and "changing attitudes"about those lifestyle choices which affect the sustainability of the Earth's ecosystems.
The following tool will allow you to explore the relevant curriculum matches for this resource. To start, select a province listed below.
- Step 1Select a province
- Alberta
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interactions and Ecosystems
- Grade 8
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Freshwater and Saltwater Systems
- Grade 9
- Step 3Select a subject
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environment and Outdoor Education: Commitment to Action
Environment and Outdoor Education: Environmental Investigations
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Biological Diversity
Knowledge and Employability Science: Biological Diversity (Social and Environmental Contexts Emphasis)
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Social Studies 10-1(Perspectives on Globalization) Globalization & Sustainable Prosperity
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
World Geography 30: World Patterns of Humankind's Use of the Earth
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 30: Chemistry and the Environment
Science 30: : Energy and the Environment
- British Columbia
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 10: Media arts offer unique ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging.
Media Arts 10: Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through media arts.
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography is a unique art form that captures images for artistic expression.
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography offers unique ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories are shared through aesthetic experiences.
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 11: Media arts provide a unique way to represent self, identity, and culture
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Art Studio 11: Artistic works offer unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts
Visual Arts: Photography 11: Photography is a unique art form that captures images in a variety of contexts.
Visual Arts: Photography 11: Photography reflects the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 11 : An artist’s intention transforms materials into two-dimensional art.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 11: Visual arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 12: Aesthetic experiences have the power to change our perspective
Media Arts 12: Media arts are an essential element of culture and reveal insights into the human experience
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science 12: Human actions affect the quality of water and its ability to sustain life.
Environmental Science 12: Living sustainably supports the well-being of self, community, and Earth.
Environmental Science 12: Sustainable land use is essential to meet the needs of a growing population
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Art Studio 12: Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Photography is a unique art form that captures images for a variety of purposes
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Photography is an essential element of culture and reveals insights into the human experience.
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Photography provides aesthetic experiences that have the power to effect change.
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Purposeful artistic choices by the photographer enhance the impact of a photograph.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 12: Purposeful artistic choices enhance depth and meaning in artistic works.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D Grade 12 Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
- Manitoba
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interactions Within Ecosystems
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Geographic Issues of the 21st Century: Natural Resources
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Senior 2 Science: Dynamics of Ecosystems
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Biology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Biology: Conservation of Biodiversity
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
World Geography: A Human Perspective - World Resources, Energy, and Environment
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interdisciplinary Topics in Science 40S: Science, Technology, Society and the Environment
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Citizenship and Sustainability: Area of Inquiry: Environment
Global Issues
- New Brunswick
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Biology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Biology 111/2: Study of Life
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Advanced Environmental Science 120: Earth Systems
Advanced Environmental Science 120:Introduction to the human sphere
Introduction to Environmental Science 120: An Overview of Environmental Science
Introduction to Environmental Science 120: Sustainable Development
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Canadian Geography 120: Patterns and Systems in the Human and Natural World
- Newfoundland & Labrador
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interaction of Ecosystems
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Canadian Geography 1202: Natural and Human Systems
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 1206: Sustainability of Ecosystems
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Biology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Biology 2201: Ecosystem Interactions and Population Dynamics
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 2200: Ecosytems
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science 3205: Introduction to Environmental Science
Environmental Science 3205: Land Use & the Environment
Environmental Science 3205: The Atmosphere and the Environment
Environmental Science 3205: Water Use & the Environment
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
World Geography 3200/3202: Ecosystems
- Northwest Territories
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interactions and Ecosystems
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 10: Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through media arts.
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography is a unique art form that captures images for artistic expression.
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography offers unique ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 30: Chemistry and the Environment
- Nova Scotia
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Geography 10: Spaceship Earth
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 10: Sustainability of Ecosystems
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Biology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Biology 11: Biodiversity
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Global Geography: Planet Earth
- Nunavut
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interactions and Ecosystems
- Grade 8
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Freshwater and Saltwater Systems
Interactions in Our Environment
- Grade 9
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Knowledge and Employability Science: Biological Diversity (Social and Environmental Contexts Emphasis)
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 14: Investigating Matter and Energy in the Environment
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Social Studies 10-1(Perspectives on Globalization) Globalization & Sustainable Prosperity
Social Studies 10-2 (Living in a Globalizing World) Globalisation and Sustainable Prosperity
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 30: Chemistry and the Environment
- Ontario
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Natural Resources around the World: Use and Sustainability
- Grade 9
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Exploring Canadian Geography: Physical Geography and Physical Processes in Canada
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
:Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Conservation of Energy
Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Human Health and the Environment
Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Reducing and Managing Waste
Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Scientific Solutions to Contemporary Environmental Challenges
Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Energy Conservation
Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Human Health and the Environment
Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Human Impact on the Environment
Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Natural Resource Science and Management
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters (Univ./College Prep.): The Physical Environment: Sustainability and Stewardship
Introduction to Spacial Technologies: (Open):Using Spacial technologies to Support Sustainability and Stewardship
Regional Geography (Univ./College Prep.): Sustainability and Stewardship
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Living in a Sustainable World (Workplace Prep.) Sustainability of Natural Resources
The Environment & Resource Management (Univ./College Prep) : Ecological Systems: Interactions and Interdependence
The Environment & Resource Management (Univ./College Prep.):Sustainability and Stewardship of Natural Resources
The Environment & Resource Management (Workplace Preparation): Human-Environment Interactions
World Geography: Urban Patterns & Populations (Univ. / College Prep.): Sustainability and Stewardship
World Issues: A Geographic Analysis (College Prep.):Sustainability and Stewardship
World Issues: A Geographic Analysis (Univ. Prep.):Sustainability and Stewardship
- Prince Edward Island
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Interactions Within Ecosystems
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 431A: Life Science, Sustainability of Ecosystems
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Canadian Studies 401A: Canada's Global Connections
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science 621A: Ecological Principles
Environmental Science 621A: Environmental Challenges and Successes
Environmental Science 621A: Human Population and Carrying Capacity
Environmental Science 621A: Introduction to Environmental Science
Environmental Science 621A: Natural Resources
- Geography
- Step 4Relevant matches
Geography 621A Global Issues: Introduction- What is a global issue?
Geography 631A Global Issues: Introduction - What Is a Global Issue
- Quebec
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science & Technology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science & Technology: The Living World
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Contemporary World: Environment
- Saskatchewan
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 7
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 7: Life Science: Interactions within Ecosystems
- Grade 8
- Step 3Select a subject
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
The Individual in Canadian Society: Resources & Wealth
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science 10: Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Social Studies
- Step 4Relevant matches
Social Studiees 20:World Issues - Environment
- Yukon Territory
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 10
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 10: Media arts offer unique ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging.
Media Arts 10: Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through media arts.
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography is a unique art form that captures images for artistic expression.
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Photography offers unique ways of exploring our identity and sense of belonging
Visual Arts: Photography 10: Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories are shared through aesthetic experiences.
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 11: Media arts provide a unique way to represent self, identity, and culture
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Art Studio 11: Artistic works offer unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts
Visual Arts: Photography 11: Photography is a unique art form that captures images in a variety of contexts.
Visual Arts: Photography 11: Photography reflects the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 11 : An artist’s intention transforms materials into two-dimensional art.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 11: Visual arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society
- Grade 12
- Step 3Select a subject
- Arts
- Step 4Relevant matches
Media Arts 12: Aesthetic experiences have the power to change our perspective
Media Arts 12: Media arts are an essential element of culture and reveal insights into the human experience
- Environmental Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Environmental Science 12: Human actions affect the quality of water and its ability to sustain life.
Environmental Science 12: Living sustainably supports the well-being of self, community, and Earth.
Environmental Science 12: Sustainable land use is essential to meet the needs of a growing population
- Visual Art
- Step 4Relevant matches
Visual Arts: Art Studio 12: Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Photography is a unique art form that captures images for a variety of purposes
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Photography is an essential element of culture and reveals insights into the human experience.
Visual Arts: Photography 12: Purposeful artistic choices by the photographer enhance the impact of a photograph.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D 12: Purposeful artistic choices enhance depth and meaning in artistic works.
Visual Arts: Studio Arts 2D Grade 12 Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
Air, Atmosphere & Climate (1)
Citizenship (2)
- Community-Building and Participation
- Sustainable Consumption
Economics (1)
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Ecosystems (2)
- Biodiversity
- Habitat Loss
Food & Agriculture (1)
Human Health & Environment (3)
- Environmental Contaminants & Health Hazards
- Human Population Dynamics
- Quality of Life
Waste Management (2)
- Hazardous Waste
- Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Water (1)