Great-aunt Alice Rumphius grew up dreaming about traveling the world and living by the sea. She also wanted to do something to make the world a more beautiful place. As an adult, Miss Rumphius visited many faraway places and finally settled in a little cottage overlooking the ocean she loved so much. But she still had to do something to make the world more beautiful. What could it be? It turns out that the answer lies before her and Miss Rumphius becomes known as the Lupine Lady as she spreads seed everywhere she goes. As the years pass there is still one question remaining. Who will carry on the legacy of Miss Rumphius and also help make the world more beautiful?
An excellent lesson plan to support the reading of the story can be found here.
This book could be used to support a science unit on plant growth and changes where students raise their own seeds of a native plant species such as the Lupin. The story also introduces students to the concept of citizenship. Children could be challenged to write about their own ideas for making the world more beautiful. Some classes may even be able to participate in a community action project based on the book. For example, students could clean up an area of land, or plant native plant species at school or in the community.
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