In this animated video Oliver, Brad and Clementine participate in the Challenge of the Sphinx where they are given 60 seconds in a toy store to collect whatever objects make them happy. Brad and Oliver collect shopping carts full of toys, but are only mildly happy and can't recall exactly what toys they chose. Clementine on the other hand, selects only one small toy but is thrilled with her choice. By examining the concept of "needs vs. wants," students learn that the things that make us happy are not necessarily things that cost money.
This is an excellent video to introduce the concept of "needs vs. wants" in an age-appropriate manner. Students learn that the things that make us happy are not necessarily things that cost money. The video helps prompt further discussion regarding the relationship between consumer goods and happiness. It also presents a good opportunity to consider the message portrayed in television commercials that promote expensive toys, packaged foods, and other material goods. Appropriate for kindergarten to grade four students, this program can be easily integrated into the social studies curriculum or used as part of an Earth Day activity.
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