This is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the reality of climate refugees. Although not yet widely recognized as a reason for asylum or refugee status, viewers learn that displacement due to climate change is real. The video reveals how it is impacting a growing number of individuals and communities and that cooperation from all levels of government across all nations will be required to address this crisis. Whether the result of sudden disasters like hurricanes, wildfires and floods or the slow onset of events like drought, desertification and sea level rise, those who are able to move do so as a last resort- the tragic result of a series of losses caused by our changing climate.
British actor Moses Alexander does an excellent job laying out both the problem and identifying solutions in a way that will resonate with young people and promote reflection and discussion.
This resource will provide insight and add social context to any discussion of the impact of our changing climate. It will be of particular interest to geography, environmental science and social studies teachers addressing issues related to population, migration, environmental justice and climate change.
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