A worldwide energy crisis has brought fuel shortages and blackouts to the community of Sage Valley where Gwen and her friends struggle to survive. After making a life changing discovery Gwen is faced with the difficult decision of keeping her secret or sharing with the very humans who have helped destroy the planet. Can one person alter the destructive forces of self-indulgence and greed, and can the youth of Sage Valley lead their community to a new sustainable way of living? With all of the tragedy and drama to captivate teen readers, this book offers an insightful glimpse into a world that could someday be ours unless we end our raging thirst for fossil fuels.
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This book could be used to initiate a discussion about the effects of resource depletion and sustainability. A class could examine sources of energy in their own lives and determine which are renewable and non-renewable. Students could also learn about carbon footprints and calculate their own. This exercise could be enhanced with a sustainable energy project such as the construction of a solar oven or a miniature hydroponic greenhouse.
The fuel crisis of the 1970's could also also be explored and compared with events in the book. Students could identify changes in legislation, environmental policies and technologies that resulted from this crisis and determine if there have been any lasting effects on resource consumption.
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