This inquiry-focused activity explores the issue of climate change denial, what lies behind it, the danger it poses and what might be done to combat it. Students will:
- share personal experiences involving denial and explore the idea of cognitive dissonance.
- participate in a group activity to examine some of the arguments used to deny the reality and seriousness of anthropogenic climate change.
- consider reasons why one would hold these views in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
- interview local residents to sample views on climate change in their neighbourhoods.
- consider best steps to deal with climate change denial.
What skills does this resource explicitly teach?
- active listening
- working cooperatively
- building consensus
- does an excellent job connecting the issue to the students' own experiences.
- emphasis is placed on students clarifying and expressing their own values and perspectives
- concludes with a focus on solutions
Recommendation of how and where to use it
This activity will provide insight into any study of anthropogenic climate change, particularly when discussing solutions.
The following tool will allow you to explore the relevant curriculum matches for this resource. To start, select a province listed below.
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- British Columbia
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- Grade 11
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- Science
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Science for Citizens 11:Scientific processes and knowledge inform our decisions and impact our daily lives
- Grade 12
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- Science
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Specialized Science 12: Climate change impacts biodiversity and ecosystem health
- Manitoba
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- Grade 10
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- Science
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Senior 2 Science: Weather Dynamics
- Newfoundland & Labrador
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- Grade 10
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- Science
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Science 1206: Weather Dynamics
- Nova Scotia
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- Grade 10
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- Science
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Science 10: Weather Dynamics
- Ontario
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- Grade 10
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- Science
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Science (Academic):Earth and Space Science: Climate Change
- Prince Edward Island
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- Grade 9
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- Social Studies
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Interdependence: Atlantic Canada in the Global Community: Environment in the Global Community
- Grade 10
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- Science
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Science 431A: Earth and Space Science, Weather Systems
- Quebec
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- Grade 10
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- Science & Technology
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Science & Technology: The Earth and Space
- Saskatchewan
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- Grade 10
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- Science
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Science 10: Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
- Grade 11
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- Psychology
- Step 4Relevant matches
Psychology 20: How Do We Make Sense of Our World?
- Yukon Territory
- Step 2Select a grade level
- Grade 11
- Step 3Select a subject
- Science
- Step 4Relevant matches
Science for Citizens 11:Scientific processes and knowledge inform our decisions and impact our daily lives
Air, Atmosphere & Climate (1)