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This innovative activity pairs nature and math to reinforce key concepts related to surface area and perimeter. Students locate leaf specimens and then use rulers, string and graph paper to calculate the area and perimeter of each sample.
Common weeds become the basis of an authentic outdoor learning experience in which students develop their observation and research skills as they conduct a plant survey in the schoolyard. This activity offers many cross-curricular connections and...
"Play" has traditionally meant going outside and often using imagination to create games with natural materials. This activity takes students out of the classroom and away from modern technology to learn about traditional outdoor pastimes that emphasize...
This activity engages students in environmental stewardship as they work together to conduct a clean-up of the school grounds. The learning also includes a math component as the class sorts and graphs the type of litter they collect. The interdisciplinary...
English Language Arts moves out of the classroom in this reflective writing activity in which students explore a local habitat with their senses. Based on their outdoor experience, the class compiles a list of adjectives that are then used in a creative...
Students become wildlife researchers by studying the diversity and abundance of pollinators in the schoolyard. The data then forms the basis of an awareness project where the class creates "Help Wanted" posters that highlight the crucial role of...
The TDSB'S Youth Climate Action Guide was designed to support youth in mobilizing their communities toward climate action. The guide offers resources and strategies to help students implement climate action initiatives that are responsive and sensitive...