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Students explore the very real threat of running out of fresh water by examining the current Day Zero crisis facing the residents of Cape Town, South Africa. On or about April 12, 2018, this city of 3.7 million people will run out of drinking water....
In this STEM activity, the students will test the efficiency of the storm drain inlets found in their community. The resource aims to help students determine what types of litter are around their community and may be entering the local stormwater drainage...
The objective of Here Today, Gone Tomorrow:Saving Migratory Animals is to determine the migratory path for a bird species and investigate whether the habitats in its summer and winter location are similar or different. Based on this information, students...
In taking hundreds of years to decompose, plastics present a major challenge in the effective management and disposal of solid waste. In response, researchers have been developing new materials that decompose more quickly for use in the manufacture of...
The science of polymers is brought to life in this innovative STEM resource that has students creating casein plastic from milk. As they examine the polymerization process students are actively engaged in an applied investigation where they: Describe...