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The resource consists of a student workbook and an accompanying teacher's guide. The unit is divided into six lessons, each made up of short readings, classroom activities and questions relating to the three major concepts of evolution, diversity,...
The Mystery of the Missing Hummingbirds models children asking questions about the natural world and conducting science investigations to explore the world around them. This classroom resource introduces environmental education to students at a...
"Sorting through Spring" is the second book of the "Math in Nature" series and contains the same engaging illustrations and lively prose that were used in the first book "Counting on Fall". In this story children are encouraged to look for patterns in...
This resource was developed in support of School Nest Watch, a monitoring program designed to give students first-hand experience with many of our local birds. The March and April nature guides draw attention to a number of interesting bird species....
For teachers interested in a habitat conservation project that will provide students with a wide range of outdoor learning opportunities, butterfly gardening is definitely something to consider. In addition to being among our most beautiful and...
The Late April & May Nature Guides draw attention to the arrival of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. This resource offers a simple set of suggestions on how students can attract and observe these marvelous little creatures. Having the fastest metabolism...
This learning activity provides students with the opportunity to explore the life cycle of a monarch butterfly by viewing online photo galleries and a shared class reading of an informational text about the monarchs. They will create their own visual...
In Migration Challenge, students role-play migrating birds during three outdoor games. Students will model a flock of migrating birds, identify and communicate the advantages and disadvantages of travelling in groups and cities, and discuss solutions...
This multi-lesson unit has students explore concepts including butterfly’s life cycle, pollination, plant growth, and migration. They will recognize that people have complex relationships with Monarchs and the plants which sustain them. Students...
Habitat loss, climate change and pesticide use are contributing to sharp declines in global bird and bee populations. To protect ecosystems and maintain biodiversity humans must become actively involved in reversing this trend. This outdoor...