The three characters in this animated film embark on very different journeys after they are discarded by humans. Bottle one falls into a toxic dump from which he will not escape for hundreds of years. Bottle two travels to the beautiful Pacific ocean, only to become caught in a huge garbage whirlpool where he could harm the sea creatures he saw along the way. Only bottle three has a truly remarkable trip where he is transformed into a brand new object destined for more adventures. This video and complimentary activity teaches students that in today's plastic world we must all do our part to protect the soils, water and biodiversity that makes Earth so special.
This resource supports Science curriculum exploring pollution effects on ecosystems, biodiversity and ocean problems like the bioaccumulation of micro-plastics. Pupils also learn how plastic is manufactured from petroleum products which supports discussions about Earth's non-renewable resources and sustainability.
The video highlights how many recyclable items are improperly discarded and end up in landfills. This information could form the basis of an action project in which a class conducts a school waste audit to determine the amount of items that end up in the wrong bins. A subsequent education campaign could inform peers and teachers about correct recycling techniques and create awareness about environmental issues associated with single use plastics.
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