This sixth video in the animated series 'Introducing the Global Goals' explains the connection between clean freshwater, effective sewage disposal and public health (SDG 6). Pupils learn how impoverished communities around the world must often depend on contaminated water supplies which result in living conditions in which hygiene is difficult and disease spreads rapidly. The film also describes how concerned scientists are using innovation and public education to help solve this issue. As students find humour in recycled astronaut pee, they will also seriously consider how they can help build a sustainable Earth where every home has a working tap and toilet.
This resource supports Grade K-4 Social Studies lessons that are exploring human needs and rights, global connections and partnerships and sustainable development. Information about water pollution, water scarcity and waste management complements Science learning about human impacts on freshwater environments.
We think of Canada as a developed country that provides essential needs to all citizens and yet many of our First Nations communities are struggling with contamination of their water sources. The learning experience of this film could be extended with discussions about this issue and an advocacy project whereby students work with local Indigenous citizens to organize a community water celebration. Pupils might include information about the time and energy investments that are required to boil enough water to sustain a family for one day. Traditions that honour and respect water and water conservation practices could also be considered.
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