Developed to support a class excursion to the sugar bush, this resource offers specific suggestions to help link the experience to the curriculum.
Prior to the field trip students chart temperatures and predict when the sap will start running. At the sugar bush students conduct a number of measurements and collect samples of sap for futher investigation. Back in the classroom students compare evaporation rates of sap and water.
The resource provides charts and tables for field notes and some basic information for teachers regarding sap and syrup production. More details are provided in the Early March Nature Guide.
The onset of spring is an opportune time for addressing Daily & Seasonal Changes in the Science 2 curriculum. This resource and the field trip it supports provide for authentic application of these outcomes in a highly engaging outdoor experience. The activities also require application of measurement, data collection and tabulation skills.
The activity could also serve as an effective hook for social studies students to explore the relationship between maple trees, sap, aboriginal peoples and early settlers.
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