Searching for Cicadas is a recent addition to the Nature Storybook series that present factual information within a storybook frame. A young boy and his grandfather set off for an overnight trip in a local camping area. They plant to look for cicadas during the night. The story text is supplemented with factual information about the insect that matches the focus of the fictional text on each page. The representation of nature in the book is incredibly beautiful and the cicada illustrations are scientifically accurate. This children’s book serves as a companion to the Early September Nature Guide that connects back to school with the familiar sound of the cicada.
Excellent companion to the Early September Nature Guide that connects back to school with the familiar sounds of the Cicada. Students can participate in fieldwork by locating cicada shells or live cicadas – taking photos, recording cicada song, marking sightings on map, upload sighting and recording to a citizen science app. Excellent introduction to a science project on insects and their environment. Curriculum links to habitats, science, language arts and geography.
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