The video describes the problems associated with the Great Lakes sea lamprey invasion and how Canada and the United States have been able to control their numbers. It offers a quick overview of their arrival in the Great Lakes, the danger they represent to the fishery, and the strategies used to reduce the population.
The concerns associated with the presence of sea lamprey in the Great Lakes represents an interesting case study in biodiversity and ecosystem sustainability. Both of these issues are related and are the subject of curriculum units in Biology, grade 10 Science (Sustainability of Ecosystems) and Environmental Science. The fishing industry is also explored in a number of Geography units dealing with resource management in general or the fisheries industry in particular.
The video may be used within the context of a larger study of invasive species and their threat to biodiversity and ecosystem sustainability. A group of students may be assigned to report on this particular example, while other groups investigate and report on other examples of invasive species.
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